Chapter 1
“History of Pakistan-II”
Short Question/Answers = Solved
Q.1. Enlist four salient features of the 1973 constitution.
Ans: Salient features of 1973 constitution:
The constitution proclaims Islamic Republic of Pakistan as official name of the republic.
The constitution proclaims Islam as state religion.
Urdu has been adopted as the national language.
Fundamental rights of the citizens have been safeguarded without discrimination.
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Q.2. Mention major steps taken by Benazir Government during her first tenure in office.
Ans: Benazir Bhutto tried to improve environment for foreign investment. Relationship with India and America started improving. Ban on student and trade unions was lifted. Censorship on the press was also lifted. Women’s Division was raised to the status of ministry in 1989.
Q.3. When and why the first government of Benazir Bhutto was terminated.
Ans: Benazir’s government on charges of corruption, incompetence and mismanagement. National Assembly was also dissolved on August 6, 1990. The first government of Benazir lasted for about 20 months.
Q.4. Give a brief account of the important steps taken by Nawaz Sharif government during its first tenure.
Ans: In order to solve the problems of unemployment and shortage of public transport Nawaz government started “Yellow Cab Scheme”. Nawaz Sharif believed that an infrastructure of quality roadways was essential for the economic development of the country. In order to improve the condition of farmers, agricultural reforms were introduced. In order to provide financial help to the needy, Bait-ul-Mal was instituted in 1992. Positive changes were made in the foreign policy of the country.
Chapter 1 “History of Pakistan-II” Pakistan Stidies Ch 1FBISE Class 10 SSC-II Short Question/Answers |
Q.5. When and why the first government of Nawaz Sharif was terminated.
Ans: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan charged the government of harassing its opponents, as well as of gross irregularities in the process of privatization, dismissed the government on the basis of these allegations. Nawaz Sharif challenged his dismissal in the supreme court. The supreme court ruled in favour of Nawaz Sharif and observed that the dismissal was illegal and unconstitutional.
Q.6. Write a short note on Afghan Jihad.
Ans: Afghan Jihad:
Influx of Afghan refugees increased unemployment in Pakistan.
Terrorist activities increased and crime rate went up.
Pakistan’s economy had to face great stress due to large scale migration of people from Afghanistan.
Q.7. What were the results of 2002 general elections?
Ans: Elections 2002:
In the general elections, held in 2002, the highest number of seats were secured by the Muslim League (Q). The party was backed and supported by Gen. Parvez Musharraf was elected president for a term of 5 years. Mir Zafar Ullah Khan Jamali a Muslim League (Q) member from Balochistan, was elected Prime Minister on November 21, 2002.
Q.8. Briefly enlist Gen. Parvez Musharraf’s ideas which formed the basis of his Devolution Plan.
Ans: General Parvez Musharraf launched a new scheme of local self-government. Given below are the salient features of the plan.
Minimum age limit of the voter shall be reduced to 18 years.
A system of local bodies, with strong financial basis, shall be devised.
The district Government shall be fully empowered to run district administration.
Q.9. Write shortly about the 13th constitutional amendment.
Ans: 13th constitutional amendment:
On April 1, 1997 the government got 13th amendment bill passed by the Parliament. This amendment stripped the president of his discretion to dissolve the National Assembly as well as the governors to dissolve their respective provincial assemblies.
Q.10. Which historic event took place during the second tenure of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.
Ans: Nawaz Sharif made historic decision to withstand all global pressure and go nuclear. Six nuclear tests conducted at Chaghi (Balochistan) on May 28, 1998, made Pakistan the 7th nuclear power of the world and the first one in the Muslim World.
Pakistan Stidies Ch 1FBISE Class 10 SSC-II
Sample Paper
Model Paper
Attempt any EIGHT parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks.
i. Why was 1973 Constitution called as Federal Constitution?
ii. When and who introduced the devolution of power plan in Pakistan?
iii. Define the “Enlightened Moderation.
iv. What is meant by University Education?
v. Write down the names of six Central Asian States which got independence from USSR.
vi. Write down any three major contributions of Pakistan towards World peace.
vii. What do you understand by Indus Waters Treaty?
viii. How industries are important in economic development of a country?
ix. Write down any three basic objectives of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy.
x. Write down any three suggestions to increase the agricultural production of Pakistan.
xi. Identify the three major features of Pakistan’s culture?