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Pakistan Studies Ch.4 Long QA


FBISE SSC II - Class 10th - Pakistan Studies - Chapter 4


                       Long Question/Answer 

Q.1 Write a detailed note on the condition of health and education in Pakistan.

Ans: Our health indicators show that Pakistan is a backward country. We spend only 1.2 percent of our GDP on health services. According to latest available statistics (2019) 189 out of one lac mothers die during childbirth, 41 out of every 1000 babies die during or immediately after birth, 67 out of those who survive die before their fifth birthday. We have only one doctor for 1230 persons and only one bed for every 1667 persons.

Under our constitution, health is a provincial subject. Provincial health ministers are responsible for the implementation of heath policies. At village level Lady Health Visitors take care of the expecting mothers. At primary level Basic Health Units and Rural Health Centres have been established. Tehsil and District Headquarters Hospitals are providing services at secondary level. Number of hospitals and health facilities are working under trusts and private ownership. Provincial governments are trying to facilitate the citizens through health card schemes.

Q.2. Write a detailed note on Pakistani society and Pakistan's social problems.

Ans: Major Characteristics and Social Problems of Pakistani Society

Pakistani society is faced with the following social problems:

Illiteracy: Pakistan lags far behind the developed countries in respect of literacy. Our educational standards are extremely low, Female literacy rate is lower than the male literacy rate.

Issues of moral standards: Majority of the Pakistanis take pride in their religion, but the high moral religious values does not bear upon the practical life of the people. Some people believe that their belief in providence and destiny requires them to shun struggle and hard work.

Meaningless and superficial rituals have taken the place of higher religious and humanitarian values like truthfulness, honesty and sense of responsibility.

Population Growth: Few years back Pakistan was among the countries having 'explosive population growth rate'. Our growth rate has slightly decreased but we are still in the line of counties having high population growth rate. We are not faced with the shortage of resource but our problem is different, we have failed to develop our resources in proportion to our growing population and its needs.

Poverty and Un-equitable Distribution of Wealth: According to global standards a person earning less than two dollars a day is considered to be living below poverty line. Benefits of economic growth have not reached the common man, the number of people living below poverty line is gradually increasing. Another cause of poverty is debt-servicing. Exorbitant amounts are spent on yearly basis for paying interest of the loans and retiring debts taken from foreign countries and international funding agencies.

Inadequate health facilities: We have not been able to build a healthy nation, many factors are responsible for this plight i.e. enormous population growth rate, economic crunch and illiteracy. Our life expectancy is very low as compared to the developing countries. Infant and mother mortality rate is very high.

Terrorism and extremism: Due to perverted religious interpretations and beliefs, we as a nation, have lost patience and tolerance. Terrorist and extremist elements continue disrupting peace from time to time. Foreign sponsored terrorists are also a great threat for law and order situation in the country.

FBISE SSC II - Class 10th - Pakistan Studies - Chapter 4 POPULATION, SOCIETY AND CULTURE OF PAKISTAN                        Long Question/Answer

Q.3. what are the common characteristics of Pakistan which can form the basis of national integration?

Ans: NATIONAL AND REGIONAL CULTURE OF PAKISTAN: (Common Values and Foundations of National Integration)

Pakistan is a federal state, comprised of four provinces and a capital territory. All the areas of Pakistan have different characteristic and references of cultural identity, but the first and foremost reference of their identity is Pakistan. In other words, Pakistan is like a very big picture, painted in different colours. This picture has no existence without these colours and these colours have no independent existence of their own. 

Following are the factors and elements that knit the different provinces and areas of Pakistan together into one unit:

Ideology: 97 percent of Pakistani people are Muslims, they follow positive spiritual and moral values. Islam professes a value-system based on tolerance and compassionate humanitarian norms, even the non-Muslim of this area realized this fact and they supported Pakistan movement whole heartedly. The two-nation theory was a great motive force behind the creation of Pakistan

Aspirations and Objectives: People of this area, now called Pakistan, the Muslims and the non-Muslims alike, have high aspirations regarding their future. These shared objectives had been the motive force behind our political struggle against the foreign rulers. The same objectives and aspirations form the basis of our national integrity.

Geographical Unity: Pakistan was established in the geographically contiguous areas of Muslim majority. This Muslim homeland was larger than many European countries and the United Kingdom itself. This was a new beginning in the history of the South Asian Muslims. Achievements and aspirations of the South-Asian Muslims gave them a unique way of life, this way of life is called Pakistani culture.

Lingua Franca (a common language used by people of diverse background to communicate with each other): Urdu is our national language. Only Urdu can serve as a means of communication among the different linguistic groups of Pakistan. Urdu and all other Pakistani languages are written in the same Arabic as well as Persian script, these languages have emanated from same sources. Pakistani Urdu has its own style and colour, regional languages have contributed a lot in its development.

Uniform Legal System: Pakistanis have developed a uniform legal system through consensus, this legal code is equally applicable to all citizens of Pakistan. This legal system emanates from three sources; Islamic principles, customs and traditions of the people and the British law.

Q.4. Write a detailed note on Urdu language.

Ans: Urdu was spoken and understood in all parts of India and generally accepted as the lingua franca, but extremist Hindus had a bias attitude against Urdu so they started propagating that Urdu was a Muslim language. They launched a campaign for the enforcement of Hindi as official language by replacing Urdu and in 1876, known as Urdu-Hindi controversy. Sir Sayyid devoted last years of his life for the defence of Urdu. In this way preservation and promotion of Urdu become a core issue in the Indian Muslims' struggle for Pakistan. 

Creation of Pakistan was a landmark event that determined Urdu's fate as the language of a newly born nation. The Quaid-e-Azam in his march 21, 1948 address, made it clear that Urdu and only Urdu will be the national language of Pakistan, he quoted history and said that no nation in the world can maintain its solidarity without a national language of its own. an Urdu was adopted as national language under all constitutions so far proclaimed in Pakistan. 

This is a language of general communication, revenue, judiciary and police departments in the Punjab, use Urdu as their official language at lower levels. Pakistan's regional languages and cultures have influenced Urdu in many ways and Pakistani Urdu has emerged to be a more rich and more beautiful language.

Q.5. "Minorities role in nation building in Pakistan" elaborate.


Addressing the first session of the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan the Quaid-e-Azam observed:

"You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any places of worship in the state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or cast or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state."

This pronouncement of the Quaid affirms minorities rights as well as indirectly reminds the non-Muslim citizens of their responsibilities as equal citizens of Pakistan.

According to democratic principle the character of a state is determined by the majority will of its citizens: Since the Muslims form 97 percent of the population of Pakistan our legal and political system should be based on Islamic principles, but this does not imply that the non- Muslims will be treated as second rate citizens of the state. 

The Quaid-e-Azam had already made it clear that no distinction will be made on the basis of religion. In parliamentary democracy the Muslims and the non-Muslims have equal citizenship rights. It must be acknowledged that the role of non-Muslim minorities in Pakistan movement was no less important than that of the Muslims. The non-Muslims

Knew that in a Muslim state their culture, language, personal law, religious institutions and places of worship will be fully protected.

fbise pak studies model papers class 10

Culture of Pakistan:  

The  term  ‘diversity’  refers  to  the  existence  of  more  than  one  culture,  race, ethnicity,  etc.  in  a  society,  nation,  or  country.  For  example,  in  Pakistan,  there  are different ethnicities i.e., Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtuns, Gilgitis, etc. Similarly, there are different languages, communities, cultures within Pakistan. Thus, Pakistan has a great diversity in terms of languages, culture, race, ethnicity, etc.

Society and culture of Pakistan

Culture of Pakistan:
The term ‘diversity’ refers to the existence of more than one culture, race,
ethnicity, etc. in a society, nation, or country. For example, in Pakistan, there are
different ethnicities i.e., Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtuns, Gilgitis, etc. Similarly, there
are different languages, communities, cultures within Pakistan. Thus, Pakistan has a
great diversity in terms of languages, culture, race, ethnicity, etc.

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