FBISE SSC II - Pakistan Studies - Chapter 4
Short Question/Answers
Q.1. Rural urban divide of Pakistan's population.
Ans: Rural Urban Divide:
Major portion of our population still lives in rural areas. According to 1981 census only 28 percent of our population lived in cities, remaining 72 percent lived in rural areas. In 2017 census, 8 percent decrease in the rural population was recorded, according to new figures 64 percent of our population lives in rural areas and 36 percent in urban areas.
Q.2. Condition of public health in Pakistan.
Ans: Condition of Health Facilities in Pakistan:
Our health indicators show that Pakistan is a backward country. We spend only 1.2 percent of our GDP on health services. According to latest available statistics (2019) 189 out of one lac mothers die during childbirth, 41 out of every 1000 babies die during or immediately after birth, 67 out of those who survive die before their fifth birthday. We have only one doctor for 1230 persons and only one bed for every 1667 persons.
Q.3. Population density in Pakistan.
Ans: Regional Distribution of Population:
The Punjab is the most populous province of the country. Pakistan's 53 percent population lives in the Punjab. The Punjab has a density of 535 persons per square kilo meter, 35 persons live in one square kilometre in Balochistan, 339 persons per one square kilometres in Sindh and 349 per square kilometres in KPK.
Q.4. Definition of society and culture.
Ans: Society is, "An enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationship through interaction with one another." Culture.
"The ideas, customs and social behaviors of a particular people or society is called culture."
Q.5. Five important minority personalities in Pakistan and their fields of specialization.
Ans: Five important minority personalities and their fields of specialization are:
Mervyn Middle coat.(Wing Commander)
Cecil Chaudhary.(Group Captain)
Rana Baggwan Das.(Justice)
Dorab Patel.(Justice)
Jogindarnath Mandol.(Minister)
J.W Jafford.(Naval Chief)
Q.6.Punjabi language.
Ans: Punjabi:
Punjabi is an old language spoken mostly in the province of Punjab. A group of experts establishes its origin to the ancient Harappa civilization. (Between 1000 to 2500 BC). They believe that the language, the Dravidians (the indigenous South Asian people), spoke was the mother of Punjabi language.
Generally Baba Fareed ud Deen Ganj-e-Shakr (1174-1265) is considered to be the first Punjabi poet. Boli, tappa, war kafi, dhola, mahiya, Doha, satthni and ghori are the most well-known genres of classical Punjabi poetry. These are the exceptionally superb pieces of poetry which have passed down from one generation to another through word of mouth, and have been preserved in written form only in the recent past.
Q.7. Important Sindhi poets and prose writers.
Ans: Amir Khusro's Khaliq Bari
Shah Abdul Latif Bhital
Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim
Mirza Qaleech Baig
Asad ullah Bhutto
Q.8.Background of the name of Pushto.
Ans: Pushto:
Pushto is the language of valiant KPK people, it is spoken in the area between river Indus right bank and Hindu Kush Mountains, as well as some pockets of Balochistan province. This language probably originated 5000 years back in the Bakht area of Afghanistan, its name Bakhtu or Pushto has been derived from the same connection.
Q.9. Different genres of Balochi poetry.
Ans: Different genres of Balochi are hajwiyat, marthias, romantic poems and songs, ghazals, religious and moral poems, loris (lullaby or cradle song) dastangh and motaks. These have been transferred to posterity through word of mouth.
Q.10. Famous Kashmiri poets.
Ans: Popular Kashmiri poetess Lalla Arifa (also known as Lalaishwari) and great poet Sheikh Noor-ud-Deen Wali (also known as Baba Nand Rishi) had strong Hindu imprint, they preached Hindu-Muslim unity and religious tolerance. Poetess and ascetic Hiba Khatun (1554-1609) is also known as nightingale of Kashmir. She was the wife Yousuf Shah Chak.
Society and culture of Pakistan
Pakistan Studies Complete Notes Question Answer Format
Grade 10 Pakistan Studies
Summary of Chapter 4-A “Population, Society, and Culture of Pakistan”
Do you want to learn new and interesting things about Pakistan’s population structure, society and its culture? Then start learning Pakistan Studies with us today!
The first part of this chapter covers the important topics such as Population, Society and Culture of Pakistan, Density of Population in Relation to Provinces, The Factors Affecting the Distribution and Density of Population, Climate, Mineral Resources, Trade and Industrial Areas, Political and Social Conditions, The Urban and Rural Distribution of Population, Gender-wise Distribution of Population, Literacy Rate in Pakistan, Educational Condition in Pakistan, Educational Structure of Pakistan, Educational Problems of Pakistan
The second part of this chapter covers the important topics of Population, Society and Culture of Pakistan, including Commonality in Regional Cultures Leading to National Integration and Cohesion, Regional Mystical Poetry and Literature, Major Social Problems of Pakistan, National and Regional Languages, The Role of Prose Writers in the Development of Urdu, Regional Languages: Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Kashmiri, Saraiki, Brahvi, and Hindko.
The last topic Role of Minorities in Pakistan and Status of the minorities in the light of the Quaid-e-Azam’s (RA) Speech on 11th August 1947 highlights minorities’ important role in Pakistani society. The rights of the minorities have been fully protected in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan.
According to the constitution, they have full rights. They have complete liberty to worship according to their religions, perform customs, transmit and publish their religious principles and set up their own religious organizations.