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Economic Development Ch3 Pk Studies 10th

Pak Studies Class 10 Chapter 3

Economic Development

Short Question/Answers

Economic Development Ch3

Q.1. Name three main oil producing areas of Pakistan.

Ans: The Potwar Plateau is the oldest oil producing area in Pakistan. Potwar oil wells are located in Balkassar, Khor, Dhallian, Joyamir, Kot Sarang and Miyal. Important oil producing areas of Sindh are: Khaskheli, Kinaar, Tando Allah Yar and Zamzama.

Q.2. Write a brief note on water logging and salinity.

Ans: Water logging: Underground water level rises and comes very close to the surface of the earth; this is called water logging.

Salinity: Underground salts dissolve in this water and come to the surface of the earth. Water evaporates due to heat of the sun and leaves these salts on the surface. These make crust on the earth surface; this is called salinity.

Q.3. Write shortly about agricultural reforms.

Ans: Agricultural Reforms: Many steps were taken after independence for the improvement of agricultural sector. Provisional governments made policies to safeguard the tenants' rights, as well as for the improvement of tenant-landlord relationship. The federal governments introduced reforms in years 1954,1958,1972, and 1997. Under all these reforms maximum limit of landholding was fixed. Following are the other objectives of these reforms:

Enhance agricultural production.

Expand employment opportunities, especially in the rural areas. 

Improve relationship between the tenant and the landowner.

Equitable distribution of the agricultural produce.

Improve rural population's standard of living.

Q.4. Write about allocation of rivers under Indus Basin Treaty.

Ans: As stated earlier, three eastern rivers were allocated to India under Indus Basin Treaty of 1960. This caused shortage of water in the areas previously irrigated by these rivers. 

Q.5. Name three major hydroelectric power projects of Pakistan?

Ans: There are three big hydel electric power projects working in Pakistan.

Tarbela on the River Indus.

Mangla on the River Jhelum.

Warsak on the River Kabul.

Q.6. What is the role of agriculture sector in economic development of Pakistan?

Ans: Pakistan is basically an agrarian country. Agriculture plays a virtual role in the economy of Pakistan. Importance of agriculture sector in national economy is evident from the following facts:

Almost 19 percent of our GDP is generated by agriculture sector.

We earn major portion of our foreign exchange from agriculture.

Fifty percent employment of our labour force depends directly or indirectly on agriculture sector.

Agriculture feeds 70 percent of our total population directly or indirectly

Q.7. Enlist main Rabi and Kharif crops?

Ans: Rabi crops: The crops which are sown in the beginning of the winter season and harvested at the start of summer are called rabi crops. This season lasts from September to May. Wheat, barley, pulses and oil seeds are the major Rabi Crops.

 Kharif crops: Crops sown in summer and reaped in winter are called kharif crops. Our important kharif crops are following: rice, cotton, jawar, bajra, tobacco, sugarcane and maize

Q.8. What is meant by the term “small industries”?

Ans: Industry is that sector of economy which consists of enterprises that produce goods (as opposed to services). Industry also produces raw materials used in the production of machines and processed material. Industry has many kinds, for example heavy industry which manufactures smaller machine units or machine parts. Small industries are those enterprises in which manufacturing and production is carried out on small or micro scale. According to a latest definition one time investment on a small industrial unit does not exceed Rs. 100 million. Cottage industry is a business or manufacturing activity carried out in homes, with the help of simple gadgets or tools.

Learn the Economic Development of Pakistan of class 10 here! 

Do you want to learn about Pakistan’s economic development phases?

This chapter covers the major aspects such as Pattern of Modernization in Agriculture, The Use of Good Quality Seeds, Pesticides /insect killer, Improvement in the System of Irrigation, Water Logging and Salinity, New Roads, Main Problems Associated with Agriculture ( Lack of Agricultural Inputs, Inefficient use of Cultivable Area In Pakistan, Natural Disasters, Inadequate Irrigation Facilities, Lack of Modernized Cultivation In Pakistan, Lack of Agricultural Credit /Praise, Water Logging and Salinity, Lack of Efficient Means of Transportation, Plant Diseases, Backwardness of Farmers, and Prices of Agricultural Goods. The chapter also includes basic Solutions of Agricultural Problems, Industries of Pakistan like Cottage Industries, Small Industries, and Large Scale Industries. 

To which countries does Pakistan export sports goods?

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